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Gianna Cabrera-Castillo ’25 interns with Virginia congressman

Gianna Cabrera-Castillo ’25

Political science major Gianna Cabrera-Castillo ’25 spent her summer working directly with Virginia voters.

As an intern in U.S. 代表. Bobby Scott’s district office in Newport 新闻, Cabrera-Castillo handled congressional casework—essentially the response or services that members of Congress provide to constituents who request assistance.

“The casework could vary a lot,” she said. “It could range from Customs and Border Protection cases to passport agency delays, which was the biggest backup we had this summer. My job also consisted of going to events with Mr. Scott and helping around the office with whatever was needed.”

She visited Scott’s office in Washington, D.C., as well, attending subcommittee hearings and touring the capitol.

Her time at Randolph—participating in Model United Nations and serving as president of the Latinx Familia Association—prepared her for the work.

“It helped me be more confident and not afraid to talk to constituents,” she said.

The experience also showed Cabrera-Castillo a different side of congressional work, which she compared to social work.

“I discovered passions that I didn’t realize I had,” she said. “I know a lot more about the resources that we as a community have access to, as well as the things we can actually ask for help with. It’s important to know what is out there for you, and this internship exposed me to different agencies and organizations that are willing to help others. That is a big takeaway for me.”

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