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Randolph Announces 2019-2020 Academic and Leadership Awards

Academic Awards

Art and Art History

Outstanding First Year: Aisha Downs

Rachel Trexler Ellis ’44 Art Prize for Excellence in Art: Lewis Ward
Awarded annually with preference given to a graduating senior studio art major. The criteria for the selection shall include inherent artistic talent and academic performance, along with the intention to pursue a career in the field of art.

Asian and Chinese Studies

Marilyn S. Murray Asian Studies Award: Latesha Thornhill, Keyu Jin
Given to an outstanding student in Asian Studies.


Sophomore Biology Award: Analise Presley
Recognizes outstanding new Bachelor of Science majors. The recipient displays a keen interest in biology and has the overall highest GPA.

Ann Grant Gerhardt Scholarship: Kelau Smith
Given to an outstanding junior biology major. This award was established through the generosity of family and friends in memory of Ann Grant Gerhardt, assistant professor of biology emerita.

Grace Taylor Wiltshire HA Award: Adara Boling
Presented to graduating biology seniors who have a record of academic excellence within the major. The award is funded and endowed through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wiltshire, Jr.


Chemistry Department Award: Sydney Spruill
To recognize outstanding performance in general chemistry.

American Chemical Society Inorganic Chemistry Award: Jordan Sheets

American Chemical Society Analytical Chemistry Award: Alysa Ridgeway

American Chemical Society Physical Chemistry Award: Matthew Williams
Presented to a chemistry major who has demonstrated superior achievement and promise in the area of physical chemistry.

James Lewis Howe Award: Darius Chernitsky
由美国化学学会弗吉尼亚蓝岭分会颁发给来自该地区每所学院的优秀大四学生. The recipient is a senior who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the major; and shows potential for contribution to the chemical profession.


Exemplary Classics Student: Sabina Sabat
授予那些在课堂上和课外活动中为同龄人树立了参与成就标准的学生, helping to shape our current and future community of classics.


Genia Melikova Award: Emma Koziol
Instituted by a group of R-MWC alums as a way of paying homage to Genia Melikova, former prima ballerina and ballet mistress who passed away suddenly on March 5, 2004, less than two weeks after her last residency at R-MWC.

Rebecca Jung Award: Rebecca Heidenfelder
Established by Jeanie Jung, R-MWC class of ’54 and is named for her daughter, Rebecca Jung. Becky, a long time dancer with Pilobulos, was a frequent visiting artist from 2000-2011.

Sally Spencer Award: Paige Edwards
这个奖项为学院的舞蹈det365亚洲版艺术家项目提供支持,通过伊丽莎白·厄尔·科贾安84年的慷慨捐助,以纪念她的同学, Sally Marie Spencer ’84.

Helen McGhee Award: Emma Carrico
This award is an anonymous gift established in honor of Helen McGehee ’42, professor of dance and director of the Visiting Artist Program, Emerita.

Eleanor Struppa Department Award: Samantha Landers
Presented for the Arts and Classics from the R-MWC Class of 1920 in honor of Eleanor Struppa ’20, founder of the R-MWC dance program.

Economics & Business

Carl Stern Award for Excellence in Economics: George Darko-Boateng
Established by alumnae and friends in the Campaign for Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, 1980-1985 in honor of economics faculty emeritus member Carl Stern.

Stan Marshall Award for Excellence in Business: Torie Slaughter
Stan Marshall (1922-2001) was a longtime, dedicated adjunct professor of business at Randolph-Macon Women’s College. 这个奖项是为了表彰他对学校的贡献,每年颁发给最优秀的商业专业大四学生.


Academy of American Poets 1st Prize: Michaela Seales
The Academy of American Poets sponsors over 200 annual prizes for poetry at colleges and universities nationwide. The recipient is chosen by an off-campus established poet.

Charlotte Stephenson Oresman ’41 Prize for Humor: Christopher “Jackson” Williams
This prize is given in memory of a beloved alumna, for a student whose writing incorporates the finest elements of humor.

Margaret I. Raynal Prize for Creative Prose:  Jena Davis
Given in memory of a beloved English professor for the best short story. The recipient is chosen by an off-campus established writer.

Sarah I. Davis Prize: Nate Peverill
Established by gifts from alumnae and friends to honor Davis for her many contributions to the College. The recipient has written the best paper on a topic in American literature or American studies.

John P. Kirby Explicator Prize: Michaela Seales
Established by contributions from The Explicator Foundation and friends of Kirby, former chairman of the English department. The award is given in his memory for the best close reading of prose, poetry, or drama.

Environmental Studies

Outstanding Environmental Studies Student: Bryce Russell
表彰在本学年环境研究课程中表现优异的学生, as determined collectively by the faculty.

Senior Award in Environmental Studies: Katherine Gibson


Outstanding First Year Student: Dagim Desta
Recognizes the outstanding achievement in mathematics of a first or second year student.

Catherine I. Hastings Prize: Jude Quintero
The prize was created by Catherine I. Hastings in memory of her daughter, Catherine Hastings Carmichael ’65, for an annual recognition to an outstanding student majoring in mathematics.


Outstanding Student Award: Joseph Vazquez
Presented to a student who demonstrates academic and musical excellence.

Instrumental Promise Award: Jakob Johnson
Presented to a student who demonstrates promise and ability in instrumental music.

Physics & Engineering

Outstanding First Year: Dagim Desta, Mikayla Jenkins
These students have stood out academically in physics class or in research while in their first year.

Outstanding Contributor to Physics Education & Awareness: Hailey Gilman
The physics department prides itself on its outreach efforts in science education. This award is given to a student who significantly facilitates this effort beyond the campus community.

Senior Major Award: Jude Quintero
For the physics major who has exhibited hard work, shown significant initiative, and has been most successful academically.

Political Science

Outstanding Student Leader in Global Studies: Samantha Verhaagen

Outstanding Senior in Political Science: Adara Boling


Outstanding Academic Achievement Award in Psychology: Agnes Merced
Awarded to a rising senior who has demonstrated excellence in his or her academic work and scholarly endeavors.

Frank Murray Award: Alex Conway
Named for a long-standing member of the psychology department, it is awarded to the best senior project in psychology.

Religious Studies

Edwin A. Penick Jr. Award: Hannah O’Berry
The Edwin A. 潘尼克宗教学术研究优秀奖是为了纪念这位深受爱戴的R-MWC宗教教授而设立的. 该奖项旨在表彰在宗教研究领域做出贡献并取得成就的学生,这些学生为该领域带来了关注和荣誉.


J. Kenneth Morland Award for Best Senior Paper in Sociology: Da’Quan Saunders-McNear
A gift from alumnae majors in honor of J. Kenneth Morland, chairman of the sociology department from 1953–1987, awarded for an original student research project of exceptional quality.

Shirley W. Strickland Award: Haley Allessandra Dell’Aria, Alyssa Galbreath
The award is a gift from alumnae majors in honor of Shirley W. Strickland ’45, professor of sociology and anthropology for 31 years. A prize is awarded each year to the outstanding rising junior or rising senior majoring in sociology.

Outstanding Senior: Da’Quan Saunders-McNear
The sociology department chooses students based on their overall record in the major. 该奖项旨在表彰那些在学术上表现出色并表现出高度承诺的优秀大四学生, interest, and service within the department and to the larger community.

Sport and Exercise Studies

Outstanding Sport and Exercise Achievement: Nicole Taulton
Presented to a senior who has demonstrated academic excellence, insightful discussion skills, and commitment to sport and exercise studies endeavors in and out of the classroom.


Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship Nominee – The Sea Voyage: Ho’ola Bush, Tegan James
The Irene Ryan Acting Scholarships, a program of the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival, provide recognition, honor, and financial assistance to outstanding student performers wishing to pursue further education. The Irene Ryan Foundation awards 16 regional and two national scholarships annually. 每个地区将邀请一名被提名者和合作伙伴参加全国电影节,被提名者将获得500美元的奖学金.  The runner-up in each region will receive a $500 scholarship, but will not attend the national festival to audition for the national scholarship.

Outstanding Contribution in Theatre: Kaitlin Weigle

Academic Achievement Award in Theatre: Shakiah Johnson, Sabina Sabat
Given in recognition of the theatre major who has achieved the highest cumulative G.P.A. and consistently made outstanding contributions to and in support of theatre programs.

Center for Student Research

Summer Research Program Best Oral Presentation: Alexander Conway
As assessed by all the faculty in the 2019 Summer Research Program, the award is presented to the student with the best oral presentation.

Summer Research Program Best Poster Presentation: Leif Kvarnes
As assessed by all the faculty in the 2019 Summer Research Program, the award is presented to the student with the best poster presentation.

Academic Services Center

Tutor of the Year:  Joseph Vazquez
Acknowledges excellence in tutoring and someone who often goes above and beyond to help students.

Ambassador Award:  Agnes Reyes Merced
Recognizes a student who is committed to student success and often goes above and beyond for the center.

Best Writing in Social & Behavioral Sciences:  Alexander Conway
Selected by the Effective Writing and Speaking Board, this award is given to the student with the best paper in the division of Social & Behavioral Sciences.

Best Writing in Arts & Letters:  Sabina Sabat
Selected by the Effective Writing and Speaking Board, this award is given to the student with the best paper in the division of Arts & Letters.

Leadership Recognition

3-year Service Award:  Bill Tham, Priscilla Ranjitkar
Recognizes dedication to residence life and honors those students who have been staff members for three years.

Outstanding Davenport Leader: Paxton Allen

Outstanding Contributor to the Davenport Leadership Program: Sha-Ron Bass
Recognizes an outstanding contributor within the Davenport Leadership Program. A student that always goes above and beyond.

Outstanding Randolph Programming Board Member: Hailey Thomas
The Randolph Programming Board (RPB) is Randolph College’s very own student-run programming board. RPB recognizes a student board member for work that exceeds the organization’s expectations.

Outstanding Executive Committee Member: Daisy Ayala-Gomez
Recognizes an executive committee member for work that exceeds the organization’s expectations.

Dorothy Hughes Award: Jdody Misidor
First given in the late 1980s, the Dorothy Hughes Award recognizes outstanding contributions to campus life through work as a resident assistant. Criteria for this award includes fulfilling all expectations of the RA position, challenging peers and staff, supporting diversity, being a positive role model in the campus community, and making significant contributions to the residential life of the campus.

Outstanding Gold Key Guide: Gabriel Krueger, Priscilla Ranjitkar

ABCD Award: Ranita Opoku-Sarfo

Outstanding Behind-the-Scenes Contributor Award: Hayley Ashford
Although the student’s leadership contribution was behind the scenes, 该奖项旨在表彰对学生生活有重大影响的优秀校园领导能力的学生.

Outstanding Contributor to Intercultural Awareness Award: Avery Payne
表彰通过项目或个人参与促进跨文化理解,为校园社区做出特殊贡献的个人. 这个人在社会公正问题上做了大量的工作,并培养了一个公平的社区,让成员感到更安全.

Student-Mentor Award: Hailey Gilman
Recognizes a student who has effectively mentored younger students within an organization, sister class, or in general.

Initiative Award: Jdody Misidor

Continued Excellence Award: Victor Gosnell

Virginia Hill Worden Exemplary Leadership Award: Ranita Opoku-Sarfo
Presented to a rising senior who demonstrates courage, grace, energy, humor, and creativity through campus leadership, particularly on challenging or contentious issues. 该奖项的设立是为了纪念弗吉尼亚·希尔·沃登1969年,以及她在2006- 2007年担任临时校长期间对母校的贡献.

Volunteer Leadership Award: Gabriel Krueger
由一位校友和她的丈夫创立,以表彰一位即将毕业的大四学生,他作为校友团体的一员,有很大的领导潜力. 该奖项的获得者是一个通过志愿者努力为学院在招生等领域的服务树立了领导力榜样的个人, alumnae relations, special events, development and other external relations programs, and through encouragement of others to provide such service as well.

Dean’s Leadership Award: Leopoldine Galopin
表彰对学生生活和校园社区产生重大影响的即将毕业的大四学生,他们在一个组织中承担了积极的领导责任,或参与了各种活动. 学生主任和教务长根据对学院的学术和课外贡献共同考虑和选择接受者.

Student of the Year Award: Da’Quan Saunders-McNear
Recognizes a graduating senior who has demonstrated outstanding leadership, service, and integrity as a member of the College community.

Student Government 2019-2020 Officers

Da’Quan Saunders-McNear – President
Ranita Opoku-Sarfo – Vice President
Sha-Ron Bass – Publicity Officer
Devon Davis – Treasurer
Ebonee Woodford – Secretary (Fall)
Jaelyn Evans – Secretary (Spring)
Leopoldine Galopin – Judicial Chair
Hannah Overstreet – Judicial Vice Chair

Community Fellows 2019-2020

Avery Payne – President
Madeline Owens – Vice President
Carter Barnette – Community Partner Chair
Nokomis Daniels – Community Partner Chair
Hanan Davis – Community Partner Chair
Kirby Tidmore – Community Partner Chair
Vinita Cunningham – Social Justice Chair
Madison Murphy – Social Justice Chair
Allen Vaytser – Social Media Chair
Avery Dinger – Secretary
Ebonee Woodford (Fall participant)

Davenport Leadership 2019-2020

Paxton Allen
Hayley Ashford
Mackenzie Ambrose
Sha-Ron Bass
Jace Cornell
Brice Creel
Conner Dobbins
Kyle Grundy
Briana Harbison
Schlitz Masheleni
Alexandra Murgas
Krystle Richardson
Renee Sarpong
Da’Quan Saunders-McNear
Ebonee Woodford
Johnny Watters

Randolph Programming Board 2019-2020

Daisy Ayala-Gomez
Sha-Ron Bass
Cristina Berenguer
Yanessa Cabrera
Allie Fields
Leo Galopin
Kyle Grundy
Natalia Hernandez
Kaitlyn Hevey
Kyle May
Tomi McGinnis
Sarah Perry
Ashley Schmitz
Hailey Thomas
Johnny Watters

Residence Life Staff 2019-2020

Head Residents:

Blair Epperson
Ranita Opoku-Sarfo
Bill Pham
Lindsey Taylor

Resident Assistants:

Hayley Ashford
Sha-Ron Bass
Alicia Casoni
Conner Dobbins
Jaelyn Evans
Briana Harbison
Alex Kulvivat
Riley Lorson
Jdody Misidor
Kennedy Moulton
James Neri
Priscilla Ranjitkar
Renee Sarpong
Brian Smith
Kelau Smith
Ijanae’ Spencer

Phi Beta Kappa Inductees

Meredith Leigh Alwine
George Joojo Darko-Boateng
Katherine Mariah Gibson
Kaitlyn Rose Hevey
Sarah Mueller
Alexandra L. Murgas
Ly Phuong Linh Nguyen
Sara Marie Primm
Jude Quintero
Allen James Vaytser

Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest and most prestigious of academic honor societies. In 1916, our Delta of Virginia chapter was granted the fourth charter in the state. 每年都有一些高年级的学生被邀请加入该协会,以表彰他们在文科方面的学术成就和平衡的学习计划.

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