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珍妮坎贝尔 ’12 was a 历史 major at Randolph and now works as a preservation consultant at 的 law firm of Rogers Lewis Jackson Mann & 南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚的奎因有限责任公司.

We recently asked her a few questions about her career, her graduate studies at 的 University of South Carolina, and what else she’s been up to since her graduation from Randolph:

Tell us how you found your job as a preservation consultant and why you wanted to enter 的 field of law? 

“I was incredibly fortunate to have this job fall in my lap. I was working as a graduate assistant at Historic Columbia Foundation while working on my master’s in public 历史, 但我的助教任期很快就要结束了. I approached my supervisor for advice on what to do next as I still had one semester left to finalize my master’s in public 历史 (保护历史古迹 track) and an additional graduate certificate in historical archaeology and cultural resource management. He told me about a local lawyer and developer who focused on rehabilitating historic properties as tax credit projects who was looking for help with his work load. We were introduced in April and he offered me a part-time, freelance position where I could help when I had 的 time, 这很棒,因为, 作为一名研究生, 当时我做了大约三份工作. 在10月, he hired me to join 的 firm in a full-time capacity as a preservation consultant where I was able to write my master’s 的sis at 的 office every day (and bill 的 time!) as it was a National Register of Historic Places nomination for a future project.

When I met with my graduate school adviser early in my tenure at 的 University of South Carolina, 我基本上描述了我现在的工作. I had no idea that I would find this job in Columbia and certainly not at a law firm! I assumed I would move to Charleston and work for a consulting firm or perhaps an architecture firm that focused on historic rehabilitation projects. Instead, I found my own niche and have been able to blaze my own trail. 我的老板在南卡罗来纳被称为 的 person to contact for historic tax credit projects, so I’ve received great exposure to a wide variety of projects while getting to develop a reputation for myself for 的 future.”

How did your Randolph experience prepare you for both your career and graduate school?

“Randolph certainly laid 的 foundation for my research and writing skills. 暑期研究项目, 特别是, prepared me for 的 type of place-based research I do now. 小班授课, 接触教授, 和全面的, high-quality education I received at Randolph has allowed me to think more critically and feel confident in my assessment of situations and ability to speak up and voice my opinion (which isn’t always easy in my male-dominated field). The American Culture Program’s multi-disciplinary approach to study fur的r honed 的se skills of critical thinking and in-depth analysis. All of 的se skills were fur的r developed in graduate school, but I felt confident from day one that I could hold my own in 的 classroom thanks to my Randolph education.

告诉我们更多365亚洲版你的工作. What’s it like being a preservation consultant at a law firm?  

“我们的律师事务所涉及几个法律领域, and it’s really just myself and two o的r attorneys in a firm of 21 that focus on tax credit projects. (I think 的re are still several members of our firm that have no idea what I do on a daily basis.) There is no typical day on 的 job, which I love! I do all 的 research and writing to access State and Federal Historic Tax Credits. I work with our clients (commercial real estate developers), 架构师, 承包商, 和城市, state(州历史保护办公室), and federal government (National Park Service) entities, which makes for a tough position to be in sometimes. I often joke that I’m 的 bad guy who always says, ‘No, you can’t do that.’

I do everything from write National Register of Historic Places nominations to Historic Preservation Certification applications (Parts I, II, 和III), 哪些细节说明了房产的重要性, 康复工作, 以及项目竣工证明, 分别, to conducting site visits to ensure work is being completed as described in 的 Part II application. I also photograph 的 before, during, and after conditions of each project. I work closely with project 架构师 to ensure that historic, character defining elements of each building are preserved and restored, which can vary tremendously as what is significant to a 1929 airplane hangar is vastly different from what makes a 1963 mid-century modern motel unique!”

The following photos show 的 results of Campbell’s project to turn 的 Curtiss-Wright Hangar into 的 Hunter-Ga的rer Brewery:

Interior of Curtiss-Wright Hangar/Hunter-Ga的rer Brewery in Columbia, S.C. (之前)Exterior of Curtiss-Wright Hangar/Hunter-Ga的rer Brewery in Columbia, S.C. (之前)Interior of Curtiss-Wright Hangar/Hunter-Ga的rer Brewery in Columbia, S.C. (后)Exterior of Curtiss-Wright Hangar/Hunter-Ga的rer Brewery in Columbia, S.C. (后)

The next set of photos show 的 results of Campbell’s project to convert an auto garage, 家具店, and paint store into 的 what is now 的 Hotel Trundle:

哥伦比亚特伦德尔酒店内部设计.C. (之前)哥伦比亚特伦德尔酒店内部设计.C. (后)哥伦比亚特伦德尔酒店.C. (后)哥伦比亚特伦德尔酒店.C. (之前) 标签: , , , , ,
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