
2021: 赫拉克勒斯和黛阿涅拉

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The play depicts the fates of the hero Heracles and his second wife Deianeira, a family tragedy brought about by layers of deception and misunderstanding.

赫拉克勒斯和黛阿涅拉 也是2020年的希腊剧, when the COVID-19 pandemic had us adopt Zoom theatrical conventions and produce the play (in Bryan Doerries’ translation) live on screen.

2018: 美狄亚

Michael Collier和Georgia Machemer翻译
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美狄亚 defends her honor and destroys her enemies in 欧里庇得斯’ game-changing masterpiece.



2016: 青蛙

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Dionysus goes to the Underworld to bring back a playwright to save the world, 在旅途中,他遇到了青蛙, 尸体, 流氓的奴隶, 愤怒的小旅馆, 更不用说他同父异母的兄弟赫拉克勒斯了. 然后他就能主持有史以来最棒的诗歌大满贯了. 用道具.

2014: 俄狄浦斯王

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第一次表演是在公元前420年代, 俄狄浦斯王 has become the model ancient tragedy for its terrible ironies and for its musings on humanity and fate.  俄狄浦斯, 善良的底比斯国王, 慢慢发现,在整个过程中,他, 事实上, fulfilled the prophecy he was trying so hard to avoid: that he would kill his father and wed his mother.

2012: 七、攻打底比斯

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The play shows the ramp-up to a war between brothers Eteocles and Polynices and the consequences for their nation and family. 这个国家是底比斯,这个家庭是已故的俄狄浦斯, who has cursed his sons to mutual doom if they face each other in battle. 底比斯的人民对前进的军队几乎惊慌失措, but Eteocles assigns a general to defend each of the city’s seven gates. When only he is left to face his brother, Thebes mourns the curse and the tragedy that results. Our production explores the urge to combat and the response of the community.

2010: 赫卡柏

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公元前420年代在雅典首次表演, 赫卡柏 检查 the aftermath of war, the breakdown of civil behavior, and the imperative for revenge.  赫库巴是特洛伊的女王,直到希腊人摧毁了她的城市, 杀死男人, 并奴役妇女和儿童.  We find her in the Greek camp getting the terrible news that one of her only remaining daughters will now be sacrificed to the dead Achilles, and her appeals for mercy to her famous foe Odysseus fall on stubborn ears.  使她的悲剧雪上加霜, 赫库巴最小的儿子也被发现死亡, having been killed by the greedy man who was supposed to keep him safe.  而希腊将军阿伽门农却视而不见, 赫库巴对那个奸诈的主人和他的家人进行了报复.

2009: 阿尔刻提斯 (百年希腊剧)

字符 | 情节 | 演职人员 | DVD 阿尔刻提斯 is considered a “problem play” because it has such extremes of tragedy and comedy in one short play. 阿尔刻提斯 has volunteered to die in the place of her husband Admetus, 谁从阿波罗那里赢得了欺骗死神的特权. 一旦阿尔塞提斯死了, 赫拉克勒斯的到来, unaware that he’s imposing on the hospitality of a household in mourning. 他的醉酒为这部剧提供了讽刺性的一面, 但当他得知女主人的死讯时, 他让阿尔塞提斯起死回生. 但这是一个幸福的结局吗?

Randolph College students gave a single performance of the play in Skironio, 希腊, 6月11日, 2009, 作为国际研究研讨会的一部分, 实用智慧:希腊的哲学和戏剧. 你仍然可以阅读博客和收听播客 实用智慧博客.

2008: 厄勒克特拉

字符 | 情节 | 演职人员 | 生产的照片 | DVD 第一次演出是在公元前5世纪末, 厄勒克特拉 tells the story (told also by Aeschylus and 欧里庇得斯) of the revenge that Orestes and 厄勒克特拉 take on their mother Klytemnestra for her murder of their father Agamemnon. 在这个版本中, 他们的任务是通过残酷的欺骗来完成的, and Sophocles challenges nearly all of our expectations: the evil of Klytemnestra, 埃盖索斯的冷酷无情, 俄瑞斯忒斯的美德, 并以利亚的义. 请和我们一起欣赏这篇365亚洲版一个走向歧途的家庭的研究.


字符 | 情节 | 演职人员 | 生产的照片    DVD 首次演出于公元前423年,  skewers the culture of classical Athens and the fashion for young men to polish their prose rather than their propriety. We meet Strepsiades, a father beleaguered by his partying son Pheidippides. The father determines that all his problems can be solved by the education provided at the Pondertorium, 一个由苏格拉底主持的机构. Aristophanes’ satire of the philosopher and his hilarious depiction of daily life will bring a new mood to the Randolph College Dell. 幽默的是 怪物史莱克种类繁多, and the Chorus of Clouds provide a surprising array of musical selections for the entertainment of all.

2004: 酒神之女伴的

字符 | 情节 | 演职人员 | 生产的照片 | DVD In 酒神之女伴的, 欧里庇得斯 shows the young god Dionysus making a tragedy out of Thebes when the inhabitants refuse to recognize his divinity. The god has caused the women of the city to take to a wild life in the mountains, 他继续操纵彭透斯走向毁灭, 底比斯不信的统治者. 酒神之女伴的 who make up the chorus are eastern followers of the wine god who accompany him home to 希腊. 欧里庇得斯最后的悲剧之一, the play deals with religious extremism as well as the power of drama, 也落入了狄俄尼索斯的轨道.

2002: 祭酒的人

字符 | 情节 | 演职人员 | Video The tragedy tells of the revenge that Orestes and Electra take on their mother Clytemnestra, 谁杀了他们的父亲阿伽门农. The libation bearers of the title are the enslaved women who form the Chorus of the play and who assist in the plot. Aeschylus uses the famous story to explore the power of the gods and the bonds of family.The play is, 事实上, the middle play of our only surviving trilogy from ancient Athens, 知了, which was first performed in Athens in 458 bce, and last performed at Randolph College in 1954 ce. 在三部曲的第一部中, Agamemnon returns home from the Trojan war only to be murdered by his wife Clytemnestra. In the third play, Orestes must go to Athens to stand trial for having killed his mother.

2001: 在奥里斯的伊菲igeneia

字符 | 情节 | 演职人员 | Video 在奥里斯的伊菲igeneia, about a young woman’s decision to be a hero in the face of her father’s cowardice, 故事发生在特洛伊战争初期. 为了让希腊人航行到特洛伊, 阿伽门农将军必须牺牲他的女儿伊菲革涅亚, and he has her come to the port of Aulis under the misapprehension that she’s going to marry Achilles. 欧里庇得斯, 古典雅典最伟大的剧作家之一, 检查, 在许多其他事情中, the place of the hero and the roles of men and women in ancient Greek society.

2000: 安提戈涅

字符 | 情节 | 演职人员 | Video 索福克勒斯的 安提戈涅 pits the title character against Creon, the current ruler of Thebes. 安提戈涅’s brother Polynices has died while attacking Thebes to regain the throne from his brother Eteocles, 谁也在冲突中丧生. 克里翁下令给厄忒俄克勒斯一个适当的葬礼, 但波利尼斯必须留给鸟和狗, 因为他背叛了他的家乡. 安提戈涅 defies the order and buries her brother, and Creon condemns her to death. 他们的行为引发了许多意想不到的后果. The play dramatizes the conflicts we still have between public and private, 男性和女性, 法律与宗教, 国家与家庭.

The Randolph College production revived the Greek Play tradition and brought more than 1,100人到校园.

1955 to 1999

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未来,我们计划在这里展示档案资料. 与此同时,我们有一个 剧目列表 梅布尔小姐拿来的.